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Buyer Persona Example

Buyer Persona Example

Creating a buyer persona of each type of client is great way to help you make stronger connections with those you are marketing to. Below we wrote a buyer persona example. Marketing to each type of potential client is more effective than having a one sized fits all approach.   Each client has different problems that needs to be solved. It’s a business owner’s job to tap into their concerns. As a result your content will connect with them on a higher level.

What is a Buyer Persona

“A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers. When creating your buyer persona(s), consider including customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals. The more detailed you are, the better.”

Below is one of Five Star SEO and Content Marketing Buyer Persona Example. This is for our do it yourselfer type of client. They hire us to teach them how to do it themselves. 

Name: Hipster Walter


“I want to learn SEO so I can optimize my own website”. Since I enjoy blogging and working on my website I rather do it myself.  I don’t have much of a social life so I can find a couple hours a week to work on this. I have a good amount of success but I don’t know why Google ranks some of my pages and not others.”

Personal Profile:

Hipster Walter is  an active dad but would like not to miss as many games on the weekday evenings. He connects with extended family and friends in spurts but it’s not that important to him. His wife, kids and business are his main focus.  When he is with friends and extended family he is mostly looking at his phone.

Walter wants to grow his business while backing off being part of the craft. A couple of times a week he adds content to his website for his service business at the local coffee shop.  He has a decent amount of success even though he’s not purposely optimizing his website. Walter mostly blogs so he has something to add to his social media profiles.

Walter would like to take an online class about SEO and Content Marketing but doesn’t know which course to trust. He also isn’t sure if he can be focused enough to retain the information. Walter thinks SEO experts are like snake oiled salesmen and they can’t be trusted. He feels like he was screwed over a couple of times. However, if the right person came along and showed him that they themselves have success with SEO he would be more open to hearing what they have to say. The price would have to be right.


  • 42 years old.
  • Father of three
  • Somewhat active
  • Has a small business,
  • Likes to write and work on his website.


  • Does pretty well financially
  • Decent size house and likes nice cars.
  • Likes his gadgets
  • Spends most of his alone time on social media and researching a wide range of subjects on the web.
  • Walter likes to travel.

This is a  buyer persona example of the type of potential client who visits our website. We enjoy work working with this type of client because they are already putting in the time to be successful. They just need to fine tune their overall approach.

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